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A Comprehensive Guide To 2022 Panini Mosaic Football [Checklist Updated]

2022 Mosaic Football

The Mosaic Football brand is only in its third year. The fact that this seems like surprisingly little is a testament to how quickly Mosaic has taken a leading role in the hobby.

Most collectors love the designs, and Mosaic rookies are among the big chases.

CardLines break: Buy into the 2022 Panini Choice Football “Pick Your Team” break, set for January 24th 2023.

So why has the Mosaic line done so well? Unlike many brands Panini has thrown at the market in recent years, this one has a clear and thought-out concept and design.

So in preparation for one of the most popular releases of the football card calendar, we bring you the 2022 Panini Mosaic Football review.

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An introduction to Panini Mosaic Football

What is the concept of Panini Mosaic Football? It’s an opti-chrome brand derived from the ever-popular Prizm releases. A Mosaic is defined as “a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.”

And the Mosaic cards have a background that looks like a glass pattern of that sort. It’s the kind of idea that may not sound great but somehow works wonders.

A Mosaic-based spin on Prizm was first found in the 2015-16 “Prizm Mosaic” basketball boxes. They were meant as a promotional set to accompany the Panini 2015-16 Replay Basketball product. It was accessible for people purchasing Relay cards that year because the set was very late, and Panini cared about stuff like that back then.

Today, delays are just part of how they do things over there. The Mosaic design was, and remains, very distinctive. To many collectors, myself included, the unique design was highly appealing.

Tom Brady Panini Mosaic

Panini took a long time to bring the design to its football cards. But they immediately took off and are probably the third most popular retail football set behind Prizm and Optic at this point. And considering how new they are to the scene, that is a very impressive feat.

For a couple of years, Panini released Prizm Mosaic as an online-only product. However, Panini’s designs were popular enough to rename Panini Mosaic Basketball’s product in 2019-20.

The set was a hit, and the football team came shortly after. Soon Mosaic was expanded to soccer and other sports. It’s a distinctive and beloved design and line of products and today stands as one of Panini’s main assets.

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic Football hobby boxes

2022 Mosaic Football release date

2022 Panini Mosaic Football dropped on January 6, 2023. Unlike last year, this release was delivered on time. Last year, football cards were many months late.

As always in a retail release, the primary date refers to the hobby box. The other products will drop later. For example, the Football Choice Box will come out on January 11.

Meanwhile, the No Huddle Box will come out 2 days later. There is no official word on when the retail formats will drop. However, it shouldn’t be too long after that.

2022 Mosaic Football pros

The main advantage is the Mosaic designs. Panini has so many releases no one cares about. Many believed Mosaic would just be another statistic among them. But the unique and attractive designs of the cards are irrepressible. Collectors love them, and I have to admit, I am a fan as well.

When Mosaic Football first came out, collectors were concerned the release was too bloated to hold value. Many believe that the key to making a profit off the product was to offload the cards before Prizm came out. But those fears have not panned out in the long term.

As you will see below, the boxes have mostly held value nicely. Despite fears that this would be another disposable low-end release, Mosaic has taken a respectable position as a unique and beloved mid-tier release.

Looking at card values, numbered cards tend to fetch excellent prices. That is partially the rarity and also the beautiful designs these cards tend to have.

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic Football hobby boxes

2022 Panini Mosaic Football cons

Mosaic has been a pleasant surprise for Panini. Nonetheless, it doesn’t hold value as Prizm does. For many of the big rookies, their Mosaic rookie is an afterthought.

Since their boxes are usually not as cheap as Chronicles or Donruss, this is a problem. Mosaic also has a reputation for over-printing, which does nothing to uphold long-term values.

Another problem with Mosaic is the inserts. Many Panini releases have kind of meh inserts. But Mosaic seems to outdo itself with yawn-inducing inserts.

2022 Mosaic Football formats

As one of the most popular retail releases on the Panini calendar, 2022 Mosaic Football has many releases. Unfortunately, we don’t have the info on all of the retail releases, but we do have the hobby specs.

I included information on retail formats based on previous years. So, it will likely be more or less correct. But we may have to update accordingly as new info is released.

2022 Mosaic Football Hobby Box

  • 15 cards per pack
  • 10 packs per box
  • Look for 2 autographs, 5 silver parallels, 15 mosaic parallels, and 20 inserts per box on average
  • Hobby exclusive inserts, including Center Stage, In It to Win It, Swagger, Straight Fire, and Overdrive.
  • Hobby exclusive parallels: Red, Blue (#’d/99), Purple (#’d/49), White (#’d/25), Tesselation (#’d/15), Gold (#’d/10), and Black (#’d/1).
  • Resells for $325
  • A box resells for $325
  • A 12-box case will set you back $3,850

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic Football hobby boxes

Choice Football Box

  • 8 cards per pack
  • 1 pack per box
  • Find 1 silver parallel, 1 mosaic parallel, 2 choice exclusive parallels, 3 choice exclusive mosaic parallels, and 1 choice exclusive autograph per box on average
  • Choice Football Box exclusive parallels to the Base and Rookie Autographs with Choice Fusion Red & Yellow & Choice Black Gold
  • Hunt for Choice exclusive rookie parallels with Choice Red & Green
  • Look for the following parallels of the Base and Rookies only found in Choice boxes: Choice Fusion Red & Yellow, Choice Black Gold, Choice Nebula, and Choice Peacock
  • Resells for $350
  • You can get a 20-box case for $7,000.

Shop for 2022 Panini Choice Football box on eBay

No Huddle Box

  • 12 cards per pack
  • 12 packs per box
  • Look for 1 No Huddle Exclusive Autograph, 3 Silver Parallels, 10 No Huddle Parallels, 5 inserts, and 1 rookie variation No Huddle per box on average
  • The No Huddle parallels are exclusive to these boxes
  • A box resells for $250
  • A 20-box case sells for $5,000

Shop for 2022 Panini No Huddle Box on eBay

2022 Panini Mosaic Blaster Box

  • 8 Packs Per Box
  • 4 Cards Per Pack
  • Includes exclusive Retail Scripts exclusives

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic Blaster box on eBay

Fat Packs

  • 15 cards per pack

2022 Panini Mosaic Football Checklist review

The checklist has yet to be released, and we will update it when it comes out. But in previous years, the base checklist consisted of 300 cards, and it looks like a good bet this will be repeated for 2022 Panini Mosaic Football.

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic Football hobby boxes

2022 Panini Mosaic Football parallels

While we have the full list of parallels for the Hobby and Choice releases, we don’t have the retail ones quite yet. Here are the ones for the upcoming boxes:


  • Silver
  • Honeycomb
  • Mosaic
  • Mosaic Red
  • Mosaic Blue – #/99
  • Mosaic Purple – #/49
  • Mosaic White – #/25
  • Mosaic Tesselation – #/15
  • Mosaic Gold – #/10
  • Mosiac Black – 1/1


  • Mosaic Fusion Red & Green
  • Mosaic Peacock
  • Mosaic Fusion Red & Yellow – #/80
  • Mosaic Black Gold – #/8
  • Mosaic Nebula – 1/1

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic Football parallels on eBay

2022 Panini Mosaic Football inserts

Mosaic doesn’t have the most extensive selection of inserts, but the ones they do feature are strong. To most collectors, that is an advantage, as we would prefer to hit one strong insert than 3 weak ones. An insert should have some cache, and the designers of Mosaic seem to understand that.

With that said, what can we expect from inserts in 2022 Panini Mosaic Football? We have the details.

National Pride

The highly patriotic National Pride insert was unleashed in Mosaic basketball last season. This year we find it in the football release. However, it makes more sense in the NBA, where many foreign players exist.

In the NFL, pretty much everyone has the same flag in the background. I love “Old Glory” as much as the next red-blooded American, but it means there isn’t much variety here.

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic National Pride inserts on eBay

Men of Mastery

This insert has been featured in Mosaic for a while. The focus is on the best players, who are masters of their craft. Unfortunately, I find it to be somewhat generic and bland.

Storm Chasers

The design features lightning flashes and clouds. You know, stormy stuff. The text on the back usually features puns about lightning striking and things of that sort.


An insert focusing on the most confident and stylish players in the league.

2022 Panini Mosaic Football autos

Mosaic isn’t an auto heavy release. However, it’s hard to sell boxes today without a strong auto selection, and Mosaic has also increasingly gone in this direction. Still, the release persists in having a fairly minimal design for their autographed cards. To me, it is also quite unattractive.

We don’t have the complete list of autos for this product yet. However, the list in 2021

One significant change for the autos in 2022 Panini Mosaic Football is a large number of parallels. Last year, it featured only two parallels, namely Gold Mosaic (/10) and Black Mosaic (1/1). However, the company must have gotten some unpleasant feedback because, this time, it comes with a wide variety of no less than 7 parallels in the hobby release.  

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic Football autos on eBay

Autographs Mosaic Hobby

  • Mosaic
  • Mosaic Red
  • Mosaic Blue – #/99 or less
  • Mosaic Purple – #/49 or less
  • Mosaic White – #/25 or less
  • Mosaic Gold – #/10 or less
  • Mosiac Black – 1/1

Rookie Autographs Mosaic Hobby

  • Mosaic
  • Mosaic Red
  • Mosaic Blue – #/99 or less
  • Mosaic Purple – #/49 or less
  • Mosaic White – #/25 or less
  • Mosaic Gold – #/10 or less
  • Mosiac Black – 1/1

2022 Panini Mosaic Football value

Mosaic is not Chronicles or anything, but it is not a particularly expensive release. Still, you don’t want to spend $350 on something with no value, right? So, let’s examine how well Panini Mosaic Football tends to hold value.


This is a relatively no-release. So we don’t have a tremendous amount of data for comparison purposes. But let’s take a look at how sealed wax from the last two years has fared.

First hobby boxes:

2020 Panini Mosaic Football Hobby Box$980
2021 Panini Mosaic Football Hobby Box$499

The value varies wildly per the print run and the estimated quality of the rookie crop. What else is new? In 2020, you had those Mahomes rookies, which jacks up the price. What else is new? But the price range is a good one. If we average these two boxes to about $725 in value, that is double the price of a new box. It is a testament to the popularity of this brand that prices are strong, even though neither of these boxes is particularly old or hard to get.

What about blasters?

2020 Panini Mosaic Football Blaster$125
2021 Panini Mosaic Football Blaster$40

Blasters can also be a fantastic investment if the rookie class is good. In fact, it can give you a much bigger return than the hobby box, at least according to the 2020 precedent. For example, if you held those 2020 blasters, you made 5 times your investment instead of 3-4 times for the hobby box.

Either way, Panini Mosaic Football has substantial value as a hold product.


A hold, definitely. But is it a rip? All cards are PSA 10s.  

2020 Panini Mosaic Patrick Mahomes #1 Red Prizm$90
2020 Justin Herbert Genesis$3,750
2021 Mac Jones Pink Flourescent /10$1,500
2021 Zach Wilson Green Fluorescent /11$1,280
2020 Jalen Hurts Green$92

As always, the base cards aren’t worth all that much, even as PSA 10s. But many of the numbered cards are worth quite a bit. So it isn’t all that hard to pull a card that gives you back the box’s value. Obviously, the odds are against you. Most boxes don’t have a star QB rookie numbered to 10. But Mosaic Football is a good rip nonetheless.

A final word on 2022 Panini Mosaic Football Review

I don’t usually say this, but Panini Mosaic Football is simply a good product. Sure, the inserts could be better, and we can quibble about other things. But here is the bottom line. Mosaic designs are very high quality.

Despite all predictions to the contrary, many of the cards have good value. The price for boxes is also (relatively) reasonable for the return. They are good holds and fun rips.

Shop for 2022 Panini Mosaic Football hobby boxes

2022 Panini Mosaic Football checklist

For a full searchable checklist of 2022 Panini Mosaic Football checklist, check below:

wdt_ID Set Athlete Team Position Card number Number of cards
1 Autographs Mosaic Antonio Gates San Diego Chargers TE 1
2 Autographs Mosaic Alex Smith Kansas City Chiefs QB 3
3 Autographs Mosaic Alan Faneca Pittsburgh Steelers G 4
4 Autographs Mosaic Andre Rison Green Bay Packers WR 5
5 Autographs Mosaic Eli Manning New York Giants QB 6
6 Autographs Mosaic Boomer Esiason Cincinnati Bengals QB 8
7 Autographs Mosaic Charles Haley San Francisco 49ers LB 11
8 Autographs Mosaic Carson Palmer Cincinnati Bengals QB 13
9 Autographs Mosaic Tony Romo Dallas Cowboys QB 14
10 Autographs Mosaic Daryl Johnston Dallas Cowboys FB 16
11 Autographs Mosaic Joe Namath New York Jets QB 20
12 Autographs Mosaic Donovan McNabb Philadelphia Eagles QB 21
13 Autographs Mosaic Dawson Knox Buffalo Bills TE 22
14 Autographs Mosaic Henry Ellard Los Angeles Rams WR 24
15 Autographs Mosaic Harrison Butker Kansas City Chiefs K 25
16 Autographs Mosaic James Robinson Jacksonville Jaguars RB 26
17 Autographs Mosaic James Lofton Green Bay Packers WR 28
18 Autographs Mosaic Keyshawn Johnson Tampa Bay Buccaneers WR 29
19 Autographs Mosaic Justin Jefferson Minnesota Vikings WR 30
20 Autographs Mosaic Mark Duper Miami Dolphins WR 31
21 Autographs Mosaic Mecole Hardman Jr. Kansas City Chiefs WR 32
22 Autographs Mosaic Michael Vick Atlanta Falcons QB 34
23 Autographs Mosaic Mike Alstott Tampa Bay Buccaneers FB 35
24 Autographs Mosaic Phil Simms New York Giants QB 36
25 Autographs Mosaic Ricky Williams Miami Dolphins RB 37
26 Autographs Mosaic Ronde Barber Tampa Bay Buccaneers CB 38
27 Autographs Mosaic Robert Smith Minnesota Vikings RB 39
28 Autographs Mosaic Rondale Moore Arizona Cardinals WR 40
29 Autographs Mosaic Ryan Shazier Pittsburgh Steelers LB 41
30 Autographs Mosaic Roy Williams Dallas Cowboys S 42
31 Autographs Mosaic Rod Smith Denver Broncos WR 43
32 Autographs Mosaic Ricky Watters Philadelphia Eagles RB 44
33 Autographs Mosaic Randall Cunningham Philadelphia Eagles QB 45
34 Autographs Mosaic Justin Herbert Los Angeles Chargers QB 48
35 Autographs Mosaic Willie Roaf New Orleans Saints OT 49
36 Autographs Mosaic Zack Martin Dallas Cowboys G 50
37 Autographs Mosaic Black Antonio Gates San Diego Chargers TE 1 1
38 Autographs Mosaic Black Aaron Jones Green Bay Packers RB 2 1
39 Autographs Mosaic Black Alex Smith Kansas City Chiefs QB 3 1
40 Autographs Mosaic Black Alan Faneca Pittsburgh Steelers G 4 1
41 Autographs Mosaic Black Andre Rison Green Bay Packers WR 5 1
42 Autographs Mosaic Black Eli Manning New York Giants QB 6 1
43 Autographs Mosaic Black Anquan Boldin Arizona Cardinals WR 7 1
44 Autographs Mosaic Black Boomer Esiason Cincinnati Bengals QB 8 1
45 Autographs Mosaic Black Brandin Cooks Houston Texans WR 9 1
46 Autographs Mosaic Black John Riggins Washington Redskins RB 10 1
47 Autographs Mosaic Black Charles Haley San Francisco 49ers LB 11 1
48 Autographs Mosaic Black Courtland Sutton Denver Broncos WR 12 1
49 Autographs Mosaic Black Carson Palmer Cincinnati Bengals QB 13 1
50 Autographs Mosaic Black Tony Romo Dallas Cowboys QB 14 1
51 Autographs Mosaic Black Daryl Johnston Dallas Cowboys FB 16 1
52 Autographs Mosaic Black Drew Bledsoe New England Patriots QB 17 1
53 Autographs Mosaic Black Dwight Freeney Indianapolis Colts DE 19 1
54 Autographs Mosaic Black Joe Namath New York Jets QB 20 1
55 Autographs Mosaic Black Donovan McNabb Philadelphia Eagles QB 21 1
56 Autographs Mosaic Black Dawson Knox Buffalo Bills TE 22 1
57 Autographs Mosaic Black Elvin Bethea Houston Oilers DE 23 1
58 Autographs Mosaic Black Henry Ellard Los Angeles Rams WR 24 1
59 Autographs Mosaic Black Harrison Butker Kansas City Chiefs K 25 1
60 Autographs Mosaic Black James Robinson Jacksonville Jaguars RB 26 1
61 Autographs Mosaic Black Jevon Kearse Tennessee Titans DE 27 1
62 Autographs Mosaic Black James Lofton Green Bay Packers WR 28 1
63 Autographs Mosaic Black Keyshawn Johnson Tampa Bay Buccaneers WR 29 1
64 Autographs Mosaic Black Justin Jefferson Minnesota Vikings WR 30 1
65 Autographs Mosaic Black Mark Duper Miami Dolphins WR 31 1
66 Autographs Mosaic Black Mecole Hardman Jr. Kansas City Chiefs WR 32 1
67 Autographs Mosaic Black Maxx Crosby Las Vegas Raiders DE 33 1
68 Autographs Mosaic Black Michael Vick Atlanta Falcons QB 34 1
69 Autographs Mosaic Black Mike Alstott Tampa Bay Buccaneers FB 35 1
70 Autographs Mosaic Black Phil Simms New York Giants QB 36 1
71 Autographs Mosaic Black Ricky Williams Miami Dolphins RB 37 1
72 Autographs Mosaic Black Ronde Barber Tampa Bay Buccaneers CB 38 1
73 Autographs Mosaic Black Robert Smith Minnesota Vikings RB 39 1
74 Autographs Mosaic Black Rondale Moore Arizona Cardinals WR 40 1
75 Autographs Mosaic Black Ryan Shazier Pittsburgh Steelers LB 41 1
76 Autographs Mosaic Black Roy Williams Dallas Cowboys S 42 1
77 Autographs Mosaic Black Rod Smith Denver Broncos WR 43 1
78 Autographs Mosaic Black Ricky Watters Philadelphia Eagles RB 44 1
79 Autographs Mosaic Black Randall Cunningham Philadelphia Eagles QB 45 1
80 Autographs Mosaic Black T.J. Watt Pittsburgh Steelers LB 46 1
81 Autographs Mosaic Black Tyler Boyd Cincinnati Bengals WR 47 1
82 Autographs Mosaic Black Justin Herbert Los Angeles Chargers QB 48 1
83 Autographs Mosaic Black Willie Roaf New Orleans Saints OT 49 1
84 Autographs Mosaic Black Zack Martin Dallas Cowboys G 50 1
85 Autographs Mosaic Blue Antonio Gates San Diego Chargers TE 1 99
86 Autographs Mosaic Blue Alex Smith Kansas City Chiefs QB 3 49
87 Autographs Mosaic Blue Alan Faneca Pittsburgh Steelers G 4 99
88 Autographs Mosaic Blue Andre Rison Green Bay Packers WR 5 99
89 Autographs Mosaic Blue Eli Manning New York Giants QB 6 49
90 Autographs Mosaic Blue Boomer Esiason Cincinnati Bengals QB 8 99
91 Autographs Mosaic Blue John Riggins Washington Redskins RB 10 49
92 Autographs Mosaic Blue Charles Haley San Francisco 49ers LB 11 99
93 Autographs Mosaic Blue Carson Palmer Cincinnati Bengals QB 13 49
94 Autographs Mosaic Blue Tony Romo Dallas Cowboys QB 14 49
95 Autographs Mosaic Blue Daryl Johnston Dallas Cowboys FB 16 99
96 Autographs Mosaic Blue Drew Bledsoe New England Patriots QB 17 49
97 Autographs Mosaic Blue Joe Namath New York Jets QB 20 49
98 Autographs Mosaic Blue Donovan McNabb Philadelphia Eagles QB 21 49
99 Autographs Mosaic Blue Dawson Knox Buffalo Bills TE 22 99
100 Autographs Mosaic Blue Henry Ellard Los Angeles Rams WR 24 99
Team Position Card number

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Shaiel Ben-Ephraim

Shaiel Ben-Ephraim

Shaiel Ben-Ephraim is the emeritus editor of Cardlines. He continues to write for several hobby outlets, including this one and Cardbase. He collects primarily vintage baseball and soccer and has a weird obsession with 1971 Topps.

In his spare time, Shaiel is sobbing into his bourbon when the Mets lose and playing Dungeons and Dragons. In a past life, Dr. Ben-Ephraim was a political science professor, journalist, and diplomat. But cards are more fun.

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